💻 Technology

JavaScript - Some experience + real-life projects

The main programming language I use most of the time other than Bash is Node.js since 2018, so feel free to hate me as an f**king JavaScript developer. Most of my Node.js code ever written is usually backend-slash-API stuff without touching even a MongoDB database.

Node.js - main language

Deno (since late May 2022)

Python - ⭐⭐

My second programming language after Node.js, but other than wrote a Telegram bot and even another API, I think I need to brush up my Python skills a bit.

Linux shell scripting and sysadmin

<aside> ℹ️ Also, see the list of distros I ever used in my life for context. You don’t need to read it if you didn’t require it on your job listing.

Linux Distributions I Ever Used


I'm a Debian/Ubuntu user so most of my scripts in my dotfiles repo are may be focused on Debian-based distros but tried Alpine as my secondary distro for contributing packages to the Alpine ports.

Docker / Podman

Even though I use the official Docker Engine, I also use Podman inside WSL 2. I usually do a Docker Compose setup most of the time, but I'm not going to go to the bloody hell section of Docker Swarm.

F**king Kubernetes - Exploratory

Oh god. Please don't let me manage a fleet of GitLab Runners on Okteto Cloud. Although I’m exploring Kubernetes, this might make me nervous, especially on configuration hell.

HashiCorp Terraform - Exploratory

I'm currently exploring HashiCorp Terraform CLI stuff and how do I import state from APIs into my GitLab-managed TF state. A bit of reading the docs, but still learning on it.

Package maintainership - currently for Alpine Linux

Currently, I have some knowledge of packaging software for Alpine Linux, but I also want to learn about packaging for Debian-based distros in the future.

🗣️ Language